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Welcome to my Writing 220 ePortfolio. It's pretty self-explanatory, but if this sort of thing doesn't come easy to you, then I can lay it out a little clearer for your convenience.


  • Under "BIO" you can find my biography. There, you can read about me.

  • Under "WHY I WRITE" you can find an essay about why I write. Sensing a pattern yet?

  • Under "OTHER WORKS" you can find... you guessed it... my other works; writings that were not written for 220.

  • Under "BLOG" you can find a selection of my entries in the Sweetland Blog.

  • But I know you're not really interested in any of those things, so for the main attraction go back to the Home Page and click on... well, the thing with a giant arrow and the words "CLICK" in bold pointing at it.


And with that, enjoy! Or don't... It doesn't really make a difference to me.




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