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The information "About Me" that would traditionally go on these pages is on a need to know basis, so I will give you only what directly informs the work put on display in this page. My name is Casimir. I am an aspiring politician who happens to have a great appreciation for the arts, particularly musically related, and specifically of the hip-hop genre (think 44th President of the United States sort of thing, but replace JAY Z and Kendrick Lamar with Jay Electronica and Pusha T). In addition to those two interests, for as long as I can remember I have interacted to the world through writing. Why? Who knows. There's a little piece deeper into the portfolio that will give you an inkling of idea, but that's the best you'll ever get. Regardless, I love writing, and I love hip-hop (presumably because it is the closest to poetry-read-over-music that any genre, obviously aside from spoken word, will come). And through the oddest series of events, those two loves coincided in not one, but two college courses. The full story is here.




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